Geraldo meets with Cat Greenleaf, host of Talk Stoop on News 4 New York. In this far-reaching interview, Geraldo and Cat touch on the selfie controversy, a long career in the public eye, and fame in the social media age.Read More
Geraldo reports on the growing latinization of America. Rivera examines the importance of the Hispanic vote for future elections and talks with presidential hopefuls John McCain, Al Gore & Bill Bradley on the subject.Read More
From California, Geraldo interviews Kate Jackson, Jane Fonda, Louise Lasser, Henry Winkler, Chevy Chase and Sally Struthers about their lives and the pressure of success. Psychologist Dr William Rader is also interviewed.Read More
1977. Geraldo Rivera has dinner with Kris Kristofferson and Barbra Streisand about their recent film ‘A Star is Born’. A casual interview with Kris Kristofferson about the movie, his role in it, his real-life relationship with Barbra, and...Read More