
Geraldo in the 2010s

Geraldo Rivera in the 2010s

Geraldo Rivera and Arnold Schwarzenegger

The decade between 2010-2020 saw a big demand for Geraldo’s unique political and geopolitical commentary. These 10 years at the The Fox News Channel helped cement Geraldo’s voice in the modern American scene.

Watch these original videos below.

Uranium One Deal

Jeff Sessions raises the possibility of a special counsel r.e. the Clinton Foundation's Uranium One deal.
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Trumps Asia Tour

Trump’s Asia Tour

President Trump prepares for his Asia tour, while Brazile backpedals on DNC news.
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Diversity Visa Review

Diversity Visa Review?

After the terrorist attack in NYC, does the diversity visa need to be reviewed? Brazile, Warren admit the nomination was rigged.
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Islamic Terror in NYC

Islamic Terror in NYC

A radical Islamic terrorist kills 8 in NYC. Sebastian Gorka & Pamela Geller join Geraldo on Hannity to discuss.
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JFK Document Release

JFK Document Release

Government documents recently released by the Trump administration reveal details in the investigation of President John F Kennedy's assassination.
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POTUS Trump vs Congresswoman

POTUS Trump vs. Congresswoman

The dispute between President Trump & Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, after POTUS condolence call to the widow of a slain soldier.
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POTUS Calls War Widow

POTUS Calls War Widow

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly urges U.S. to remember what is sacred amidst media coverage of Trump's call to a war widow.
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Charges Against Weinstein

Charges Against Weinstein

An L.A. attorney stands ready to press charges against Harvey Weinstein if victims come forward.
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Iran Deal Decertified

Iran Deal Decertified

Donald Trump decertifies the Iran deal, how will congressmen react? The revelations about Harvey Weinstein & casting couch Hollywood.
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Healthcare Executive Order

Healthcare Executive Order

President Donald Trump signs an executive order on healthcare. Will it increase access and lower costs?
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