Military enlistment drops

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Compared to 2013, 2024 has seen a drastic drop in both military enlistment and pride in America according to the latest Gallup poll. What are the reasons for this? What are the solutions?



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Some statistics available at the U.S. Army Recruiting Command website


Partial transcript



“We have Geraldo Rivera here, NewsNation correspondent at large and foreign journalist…Hi buddy.”

Geraldo Rivera: “Hi Leland.”

“Alright how , she’s not gonna get that question we know that, but how would she answer it?”

Geraldo Rivera: “About the military, if I were here? You want me to assume the role of the vice president?”


Geraldo Rivera: “I would restore the..appeal, of the military by focusing on the heroic deeds of our men and women overseas. The problem is, the reason there is a shortage in the military is we’ve had a very very bad couple of decades, between Afghanistan and Iraq. So you’ve got to get the image of the Kabul disaster, the tragedy, out of the mind when they think of joining the military, get a little more of the historical appeal of heroes and changing history, and defending the republic. Really couch the military in a more glamorous note.”

